Sunday, June 6, 2010

Through your eyes

There are friends in your life to fill all capacities. Some fill most, others just a few. They bring you joy and pain. Some you know for just a season, others for a lifetime.

I have been very blessed to have people in my life that have helped me along the way. Some of these people have only been there with a kind word and smile. Others, with love and compassion. They all have meant a great deal to me. Whether they were there for a month or there for years, they all have a special place in my heart.

Though I think of each one at some time or another and there are many who should have a spot on this page with an ode just to them, I can only write what I am thinking at the moment.
There are two that at this stage of my life have influenced me in more ways than they know. So it is to these two friends that I pay tribute. Thank you for your strength, your courage, and your creativity. I have leaned on your shoulders, sometimes known, sometimes unknown and I am incredibly grateful for having you two in my life.
This is for you.

Through your eyes

You say I’m beautiful
You say that I’m kind
You think I am wonderful, you love my determination and mind

You say I am creative
You say that I’m strong
You think I can do anything; there is no where I don’t belong

There are days though when I am none of those things
There are days when all of that seems like a lie
Those are the days that you give me wings
Those are the days I live through your eyes

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